Yesterday afternoon's students were rewarded with an amazing display of what appears to be a courtship dance between a pair of Bullfinches. The various stages of a Gannet's Courtship display & pair bonding has been well documented, but I've never seen the courtship of this much more widespread species depicted or even mentioned in bird books. This could be partly due to the size and prominence of the Gannets on their breeding sites, whilst Bullfinches are relatively secretive in their habits, and spend most of their time in deep thickets. Research has revealed that the courtship is described in the massive scientific tomes entitled Birds of the Western Palearctic.
This would have made a great little film, but I had to make do with taking 80 or so still photographs. During the whole of this performance the male made gentle almost purring sounds, but didn't break into the full wheezes and squeaks of its rarely heard song. At one point the male brought his bill into contact with the females (not caught on camera), which almost seemed to replicate a human kiss, and I heard a gasp escape from some of my students behind me.
Meanwhile, one of the top local bird photographers had also arrived, and once the birds had moved on admitted that he'd seen nothing like it himself. Even though the light dusting of snow the previous evening almost deterred some people from attending, those who did make the journey were rewarded with a rarely seen aspect of our resident bird life. Our birds are sometimes decried for their dull plumage, but there was nothing dull about these Bullfinches' feathers or their behaviour on this occasion.
What follows below is a few highlights of the dance with my interpretation of what seemed to be taking place.
Male Bullfinch (right) bows down to the female

Male becomes upright & female begins to raise her head back

Female raises her head further, making herself look tall, and male looks away appearing subservient

male turns back to female steps closer, whilst female faces away from him, brings her head down & also flattens her crown feathers

female looks towards male, but moves her body away from his

female moves further away from male

male sways from side-to-side, whilst singing softly & female raises her head towards him again

male still singing, whilst female pulls her head back

female pulls her head even further back, (imitating a sky-pointing Gannet) displaying her black bib to the male

female's head pulled back to its furthest extent, while the male still swaying side-to-side

female brings her head back down towards the horizontal, whilst male continues to sway

the female's head almost returns to normal, whilst male bows even lower, at the same time his tail is jerked to an angle approaching 90 degrees