Redpoll (c) 2011 Paul Reed

Redpoll (c) 2011 Paul Reed

Redpoll (c) 2011 Paul Reed

Great Spotted Woodpecker [male] (c) 2011 David Hitchen

Great Spotted Woodpecker [male]

Great Spotted Woodpecker [female]

Pheasant [female - melanistic?] (c) 2011 David Hitchen


Willow Tit

Chaffinch [male]

Chaffinch [female]

Reed Bunting [male]


Reed Bunting [female]

Blue Tit

Blue Tit

One-legged Blue Tit

One-legged Blue Tit [resting on umbellifer stalk]

Great Tit


Friday at Potteric was very dull, murky and bone-chillingly cold, but at least the drizzle was only on the journey to the reserve! The Willow Pool feeding station was dripping with passerine species even though no food had yet been put out! Some food was eventually thrown down, but the Jays and Willow Tits didn't materialise. Elsewhere, we had distant views of the wildfowl from various hides, and large flocks of Lapwings on Huxter Well. No raptor species were seen, and the morning crowd were informed by an excited 11-year-old boy that he had just seen (flushed) the Kingfisher! The highlight of the morning was an extremely pink Redpoll species right outside the Visitor Centre on the return journey. The Redpolls were feeding on a path near Mother Drain in the afternoon, but we couldn't discern one as Pink as that depicted above. Thanks to Paul Reed for the above pics from a site near York - where a large flock is being seen on a daily basis. The highlight of the afternoon were a pair of Willow Tits seen along the railway line dividing Low Ellers Marsh from the remainder of the reserve.