Last Wednesday several class members from various days met at Wykeham in the hope of connecting with the enigmatic Honey Buzzard. The birds have stopped wing-clapping and displaying, so the chances seemed rather slim. The windy weather, and threat of showers also didn’t help. Would we obtain any views at all? Certainly not like the bird below photographed at South Landing just over a decade ago.
Target: Honey Buzzard by Mike Day (c) 2012
One surprise was a Nuthatch, a bird we have not seen there before. There was one calling at the Raptor Viewpoint, and presumably a second bird - an immature - actually in the car park
Immature Nuthatch
Nuthatch (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
The viewpoint itself was rather quiet. One early highlight was a Jay, which flew into trees on the edge of the clearing. There were plenty of Siskins flying over - none of which gave excellent views, but Chaffinches tried to compensate. We had been there approximately half an hour when a brown Honey Buzzard flew leisurely past us at quite a reasonable distance. A telescope was superfluous. The double dark bar in the middle of the tail was easy to spot, as was the dark fringe to the trailing edge of the wings. The bright yellow staring eye is clear on some of the photos. This was a “lifer” for many attendees, and those who had seen one before declared this was the best view they’ve ever obtained. Shortly afterwards three chunky Crossbills flew over our heads, but disappeared into the conifers.
Record shot of Honey Buzzard (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
Honey Buzzard (c) 2023 Jane Robinson |
From exactly a week earlier at the same location. Does the Honey Buzzard pass close to the viewpoint on a regular basis?
Honey Buzzard (c) 2023 Tony Robinson
Of course it would have been great to see a Honey Buzzard being mobbed by crows as with this example just over a decade ago on the coast. This is the same bird as that at the top of the blog post.
Honey Buzzard Being Mobbed by a Crow (c) 2023 Mike Day
Honey Buzzard (c) 2012 Alan Walkington
Chaffinch (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
After the wait we walked towards one of the nurseries in the hope of a Turtle Dove. We didn’t see or even hear one, but we did see Willow Warblers, Swallows, plus plenty of butterflies and flowers.
Willow Warbler
Common Spotted Orchid (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
Angelica (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
Black Knapweed (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
Wild Raspberry (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
Large Skipper (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
Record Shot of Red Admiral (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
Meadow Brown (c) 2023 Jane Robinson
This week’s highlights in the moth trap
Dark Arches
Light Arches?
Broad-Bordered Yellow Underwing
Dot Moth