I have started to take bookings for the Winter course starting week commencing 10th January. The Wednesday sessions are fully booked, but there are plenty of vacancies on Friday mornings. There are also a few vacancies on Tues am, Tues pm, and Thurs am. We will be looking for small winter visitors such as Redpolls, Siskins, Bramblings and Waxwings, but we will also be on the look-out for large birds of prey, as well as waders and wildfowl. As more birds start singing during the later winter we will also turn our attention to identifying birds by their songs and calls. If you would like more details of the course, please contact me by email at the address given under the Course Details section to the right of this post.
Thanks to everyone who has asked what has happened to the blog, & whether it will be continuing. The blog is currently overloaded with pictures, and some of these will need to be saved to an external drive before they can be deleted from the blog to free up memory space. I'm also going to use free time in December to see if I can locate a more time-efficient method of uploading pics - an average evening used to be taken up with over 2 hours of photoshopping, uploading & writing text - in a room without any heating! This is OK in the summer, but in the Autumn & Winter becomes increasingly uncomfortable. So, I hope a blog of some description will be in full operation again some time in December or the New Year!