Chiffchaff (c) 2011 Aileen Urquhart

Siskin (c) 2011 Aileen Urquhart

Frog (c) 2011 Aileen Urquhart





this was the most spring-like day so far. In fact I was so uncomfortable at lunchtime I had to change out of my thermals in the BTCV first-floor loos in the Potteric Carr Visitor centre. The nice weather meant that bird numbers were down at the feeding station, so there were no Willow Tits, Jays and fewer Reed Buntings than of late. In the morning 2 Kingfishers were in the nesting area, but there was no sign in the afternoon. A redpoll flew over in the afternoon, and some of the particpants found their own Siskins. A Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was seen at the reserve yesterday, but we didn't see or hear either that or its Green cousin. A Great Spotted Woopecker was heard briefly in the morning, but the bright sunshine made locating it a problem. A Buzzard in the afternoon made the long walk to Piper Marsh worthwhile. The place was swarming with Bumblebees, and Brimstone & Peacock butterflies. There was also a single Small Tortoiseshell. I was hoping for Sand Martins, but the only summer visitors in evidence were a scattering of Chiffchaffs. Overall it was a beautiful day, but the wildlife didn't really match up to it!