I hope you don't mind repeats!
Whimbrel - as seen last September

Little Grebe - at the same location 2 weeks ago

Grey Plover - as seen a week ago

Remaining pics taken today (c) 2009 Jackie Dawson
Painted Lady - underside


I can't bring myself to label this pair!

It was almost sweltering at Tophill yesterday, but today at Spurn I had 6 layers on, and was still not particularly warm! Unfortunately, the ‘Cloud-Cuckoo-Land’ had to be abandoned because after years of an area of Spurn holding a concentration of Cuckoos there’s only one present at the moment, and it’s location cannot be guaranteed. We went to Sammy’s Point first, but the wind seemed almost galeforce. A Sedge Warbler serenaded us from the car park, and we were surrounded by low-flying Sand Martins, Swallows and the odd House Martin. The only bird of interest on the grass was a female Wheatear, but there was a breeding-plumaged Grey Plover on the mudflats, and 2 Whimbrel; whilst a Sandwich Tern flew overhead. The Whimbrels were a ‘lifer’ for everyone there, and they obligingly made their 7-note flight call; whilst the Grey Plover was also a new species for some. We shared cars to Canal Scrape and on the journey picked up a Yellowhammer; and when we got there we added Reed Bunting, and Little Grebe; whilst another Sedge Warbler was “giving it large” in the car park. We walked along Beacon Lane to get a very good view of a Linnet, but the strong winds seemed to be keeping most of the birds down. Surprisingly, in view of the weather conditions we sighted at least 3 Painted Ladies trying to shelter along Beacon Lane - there had been a major influx further south a few days ago. A Fox crossed our path in broad daylight, but managed to evade the cameras. The radio crackled details of at least 3 Hobbies & a male Hen Harrier, but we were in the wrong place, at the wrong time to catch up with any of those.