No classes today, but popped outside the back door for a picture of this fungi. The flaky appearance and habitat of this one (under Leylandii) would suggest that this is a Shaggy Parasol (Lepiota rhacodes). It is not rare, and is said to be edible, but apparently "may cause gastric upset in some people"! Now, where's that frying pan?
We had a special today to see the Grey Seal pups, which duly performed. There were also plenty of cows (females) & aggressive bulls (males). Highlights of the birds there included a Peregrine, which flushed the waders several times; a single Snow Bunting, a Turnstone, a Curlew, and flocks of Brent Geese. We went on to another location, and managed views of more than 30 Snow Buntings with Twite, and then Claude asked what the birds were on the left – sure enough she had found 7 Shore Larks, which eventually flew off south. These were a lifer for several participants.