Bittern (c) 2009 Tony Robinson

Bittern (c) 2009 Tony Robinson - having a shake!

Bittern (c) 2009 Tony Robinson

Bittern (c) 2009 Michael Flowers - out again in very poor light

Bittern (c) 2009 Michael Flowers - now it's raining






Goldfinch (c) 2009 Aileen Urquhart

Sessile Earthstar
Geastrum fimbriatum
Common Earthstar
Geastrum triplex
Russula sp.

Russula Sp.

Puffball sp. (c) 2009 Aileen Urquhart

Russula sp. (c) 2009 Aileen Urquhart

Milk cap family? (c) 2009 Aileen Urquhart

Glistening Ink Cap (c) Aileen Urquhart

Common Ink Cap (c) 2009 Aileen Urquhart

Common Earth-ball


Fly Agaric

Candlesnuff Fungus or Stagshorns

Hoof Fungus

Les Ellis or Dave Stevenson?

Birch Polypore
This afternoon was the first time we had to leave a Bittern - it had been showing for well over half-an-hour. The rain had set in, and the light was going, so we had to set off back to the visitor centre. There was also a second bird at the back of Piper Marsh. That was the bird highlight of the afternoon, but the fungi on the way were extraordinary, both in the number of species and the quantity of each. This is the first time we'd come across Earthstars. It was another blustery day with most of the best small birds seen in the morning. The Redpolls were elusive this time, but there was a single Siskin. Mother drain was very cloudy, which may be why the Kingfisher is no longer present.