Monday, 9 March 2020

Local Waxwings

Today I went looking for the 35 Hawfinches reported from Castle Howard at the weekend.  Apparently, 10 minutes before I arrived there were 3, and earlier a total of 6 were observed.  Although I spent 90 minutes having a good search and listened out for their clicking Robin-like contact call, I failed to hear or see a single individual.  On the way back I decided to try for the 18 Waxwings in an industrial area of Hessle.  The poor birds were perched in a small tree at the entrance to a car showroom.  Every so often they gathered up the courage to fly to some Hawthorn berries, which were in a hedge skirting the main road.  Unfortunately, only seconds after landing, a thundering lorry with a noisy piece of loose plastic disturbed the birds.  Over a 30 minute period this happened three times, and the birds were not able to enjoy a meal in that period.  However, the birds did fly to a rut in the grass filled with water for a drink.  This permitted views of the beautiful wax-like markings on their wings.


  1. What is Ina bout the colour-ringed one?

  2. The next blog will give details of the ringed birds
