Friday, 6 March 2020

Close Encounters of the Bird Kind

The seabirds aren't reliable yet at Bempton, so we went to an RSPB reserve on the opposite edge of Yorkshire.  We saw more than 40 different species.  At first the light was beautiful, but it soon clouded  up.  
Close Encounters
Marsh Harrier mobs a Buzzard
 Our First Avocet of 2020
 Two Ruff
Drake Shoveler
Drake Shelduck

 Female Marsh Harrier & boat
 Female Marsh Harrier
 It's Behind You - Buzzard and Marsh Harrier
 Homing In
 Talons Out
 Underside of Wings

 Male Marsh Harrier
 Bearded Tit
On Wednesday we were able to go to the planned venue of Potteric Carr.  The Bittern was the highlight in the afternoon. It was in the air for a long time as it flew over Huxter Well. It appeared really golden against the dark background. We saw 40 other bird species. We spent a lot of time looking for Sunday's Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Needless, to say we failed to locate it! The Bank Vole seen by both morning and afternoon groups was rather special too. 
Male Reed Bunting
 What Bird is Like a Hot Cross Bun?
 Female Reed Bunting 
 Long-tailed Tit
 Concealed Snipe
 "Golden" Bittern
 Golden Bittern 
Robin (c) 2020 Aileen Urquhart
Buck Roe Deer
Buck Roe Deer (c) 2020 Aileen Urquhart

 Bank Vole
Bank Vole (c) 2020 Aileen Urquhart


Due to unforeseen circumstances Thursday's class was changed to RSPB Blacktoft Sands.  It was basically a rerun of Tuesday really.  However, the Ruff didn't show quite as well, but the displaying Marsh Harriers were more numerous.  
 Black-tailed Godwits
 Black-tailed Godwits
 Male Marsh Harrier
 Male Marsh Harrier (c) 2020 Paul Green
 Courting Marsh Harriers

 Female Marsh Harrier
 Male Marsh Harrier
On Friday we were able to visit the southern Wolds for the final time.  It was a very still day, but the Red Kites and Buzzards were still active.  There was still no sign of the Grey Wagtail.
Pied Wagtail
 Pied Wagtail (c) 2020 Mike Woods
 Marsh Tit (c) 2020 Mike Woods
 Unmentionables (c) 2020 Dave Hill
 Buzzard (c) 2020 Mike Woods
 Red Kite
 Red Kite (c) 2020 Mike Woods
 Red Kite & Buzzard Skirmish
 Buzzard (c) 2020 Mike Woods
 Unidentified Plant
 Not a Snowberry?

1 comment:

  1. On reflection I think the plant is one of the dozen or so varieties of snowberry which are members of the honeysuckle family. According to Wikipedia it is a winter food source for quail. pheasants and grouse.
