Sunday, 18 June 2017

Week 7: Best of the Rest

The week started well with a pleasant Tuesday morning at Kilns Wetlands.  The highlights included: Little Terns, Avocet, Dunlin, Knot, Little Egret, Yellow Wagtail, Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Cormorant, Linnet, House & Sand Martin, Swallow, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Reed Bunting etc.
Puffin (c) 2017 Jane Robinson
 Knot (& Oystercatcher)
 Large Skipper
 Meadow Brown
 Sedge Warbler
 Sedge Warbler in Flight
 Wildebeest or was it a Swan?
 Little Tern
 The Start of a Dive
 After a Failed Dive
Wednesday didn't seem to hold any surprises, as Flamborough is one of those places where everything is present on its allocated shelf.  However, this year was a little different.  The results of that are already on display in the previous post.  Despite this, it is somewhere where you can get better and closer photos of wildlife than most other places.  Highlights included: Peregrine, Puffin, Razorbill, Guillemot, Fulmar, Linnet, Yellowhammer, Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Kittiwake, Kestrel, Tufted Duck, etc
 Skylark (c) 2017 Jane Robinson
 Skylark (c) 2017 Tony Robinson
 Puffin (c) 2017 Jane Robinson
 Record Shot of "Mirror Image" (c) 2017 Jane Robinson
Thursday was a little disappointing at first 
Thursday was a little disappointing because the Redstart tree and the two trees nearest to it had been severely butchered.  There was no sign of the potential star bird, which should have been incubating its second brood by now.  However, the surprising Yellow Wagtail in the car park was definitely a plus point.  I don't remember ever seeing one here before, or even anywhere in thenlocality. 
Yellow Wagtail
Long tailed Tit after a bath 
Wildlife encountered included:  Marsh Tit, Yellowhammer, Linnet, Goldcrests, Treecreeper, Garden & Willow Warblers, Kestrel, Swift, House Martin, Swallow, Blackcap etc
 Song Thrush (c) 2017 Dick Watson
  Chaffinch (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 Bee Orchid
 Thistle Broomrape (Yorkshire Broomrape)
 Female Common Blue
 Copulating Common Blues
 Painted Lady
 Pyramidal Orchid
 Clustered Bellflower
 Blackcap (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 Red Admiral
 Kestrel (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 Small Tortoiseshell
 Small Tortoiseshell (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 Record shot of ichneumon Fly
 Dung Flies
In the afternoon for about 10 seconds some of the members were lucky enough to catch sight of a distant male Redstart catching insects.  However, it was in an area where we've never seen them before, and is soon disappeared and was never relocated.
Male Redstart
Friday was a day of two halves.  In the morning we went to Barlow Common and had good sightings of Green Woodpeckers, Linnets and a stunning male broad Bodied Chaser.  Plus: a Great Spotted Woodpecker family, Bullfinch, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Linnet, and Kestrel.
 Male Bullfinch
 Linnet (c) 2017 Jane Robinson 
 Male Broad-bodied Chaser
 Cinnabar Moth
 Red Admiral
 Speckled Wood
 Vipers Bugloss (c) 2017 Jane Robinson
 Northern Marsh Orchid (c) 2017 Jane Robinson
 Kidney Vetch
 Fairy Flax
The afternoon group caught up with Oakhill Ponds, which had bad weather the last time they visited.  We did see a Turtle Dove, Reed Warblers, Reed Buntings,  and a few other species, but the insects and flowers were always easier to photograph!
Purple Loosestrife
 Recently-emerged Black-tailed Skimmer
 Bee Orchid
 From Above
 Mullein Moth caterpillar
 Mullein Plant
 Vetch species
 Biting Fly on MAS Baseball Cap

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