Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Close-up at the Great White Cape

The photo opportunities today were so good, I couldn't leave the blog until the weekend.  So here are the best photos from a visit to Yorkshire's "Great White Cape".  The remaining photos from the day and those of other photographers will be included in the usual weekly round-up.
 Black-legged Kittiwake
 Meadow Pipit
 Painted Lady on Birdsfoot Trefoil
We were standing on the cliff top admiring a pair of Puffins 40 feet away. They started running towards us along a ridge, and ended up about 6 feet away! That is very close for this particular site. 
Puffin Taking off
 Pair of Puffins
 At this point I'm sure someone hummed the Laurel & Hardy Theme

 This isn't what it looks like!
 And Neither is This!
 Head and Shoulders

 Dont Stand so close to me

 10 mins later we stopped on another cliff edge only to have our closest ever encounter with a Peregrine!  As one head after another popped over the edge of the cliff it decided to relocate, but we did see it flying around for the next 10 minutes.This may have been another Peregrine, as it seemed a lot browner than the bird we had been watching.

House Sparrow


  1. What a brilliant afternoon! Great pictures Michael.

  2. Fabulous set of photos, Michael.

  3. Lovely photos. I haven't got better, but I could send you a couple of gannet ones from Bempton, where I went on to.
