Sunday, 7 June 2015

Menorca in Late May

This year Tony Robinson got some different species during his annual trip to Menorca, including some very fine Red-footed Falcons and Black-winged Stilts.
All Photos (c) 2015 Tony Robinson
Male Red-footed Falcon
 Female Red-footed Falcon
 Black-winged Stilt
 Woodchat Shrike
 Tawny Pipit
 Corn Bunting
 Egyptian Vulture
 Immature Egyptian Vulture


  1. The post is great Thanks for provides wonderful blog here.

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  3. this site very helpful for reader and get more information here, and i found this blog good infomation and sharing about all

  4. Thank you so much, your blog helped us identify a female red footed falcon trying to get into a sparrow nest on our villa.

  5. That's good to know, sounds like a very good sighting!
