Saturday, 6 June 2015

2 Lifers in 15 Minutes!

Yesterday we had another trip to Blacktoft Sands. I thought it would be quite quiet again, but the brighter weather seemed to affect the birds positively. Mike P gave us the heads up on a singing Grasshopper Warbler. As they go quiet fairly early in the morning we went to see if we could hear it near Townend hide. Sure enough it was possible to catch snatches of its reeling song shortly after leaving the visitor centre. When we approached Townend hide it was possible to see it, singing on a stem fairly close to the path. It moved to different areas from time to time as we watched it, but each time sang in the open. We stayed long enough for everyone to see it, although at least one member can no longer hear it!
Grasshopper Warbler


After that we went into Townend and had prolonged views of the silhouette of a male Montagu's Harrier mobbing a female Marsh Harrier. The difference in size of the two birds was very plain to see. On the return journey the Grasshopper Warbler had gone completely silent, so we were very lucky to hear and even more to see it. Most of the rest of the wildlife encounters were the same as on Wednesday. 
Marsh Harrier
 On a post with a small prey item
 Male Marsh Harrier
 Record shot of Sedge Warbler

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