Monday, 2 December 2013

Hornsea Great White Egret

There have been a couple of Great White Egrets at Hornsea Mere for some time now.  Maggie Bruce went to see them yesterday afternoon and got some decent shots of this bird.  She was amazed that this was a species I'd not yet seen in the UK, so I sneaked off in the miserable dank of this afternoon to see if I could connect with them.  

Going to Kirkholme Point and looking out to 'Cormorant' Island there were several white shapes, but these all proved to be Mute Swans.  However, a birder for Rotherham was present, and he was kind enough to swing his telescope round to two white dots on the south east edge of a reedbed, and there they were.  Through binoculars there yellow bill couldn't really be made out, but it could easily be seen through his scope.  Less than a minute later they took off & at first seemed to be heading off west, but then they turned and eventually passed directly overhead, and then made to a tree on the northern edge of the Mere, in which they seemed to intend to roost - it was 3.15pm on a prematurely dark afternoon.  I'm sure this is a bird we are going to see more of in the years to come, and as they are larger than our bog standard Herons are a welcome addition to out avifauna.  

Also present were Goldeneye, Wigeon, Pochard, Teal, Pied Wagtails and a Black Swan.  Driving round the Mere a Great Spotted Woodpecker was added to the haul.
All photos (c) Maggie Bruce
Great White Egret

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