Sunday, 1 December 2013

All Quiet on the Tophill Front

 On Friday even though we'd had to visit Tophill Low earlier this term because of bad weather, we visited again on the appointed day. The weather wasn't very good first thing, so really Tophill was the best option anyway.
We struck off south, and stopped first at the O reservoir screen. There wasn't an awful lot to see, apart from a Swan a few Tufted Ducks, and a single drake Shoveler.
 Face on
We carried on to the back-to-back hides, but there wasn't a great deal to see there - just a couple of a Carrion Crows. We could hear some distant Curlews, but there was absolutely no sign of them.
We plunged through the South Scrub area to Watton Borrow Pits. We came across a flock of 15 or so Long-tailed Tits. There were more birds there then anywhere else, but not as much as usual at the time of year. There was a nice group of a Wigeon, and a lurking Heron by the side of the reeds. There were 2 drake Goldeneyes, which were the best birds here. When we first arrived there were a few Teals flying round and round at speed and almost looking like waders Surprisingly there were no waders, and 3 Cormorants weren't adequate compensation.  
Late November Colours
 Long-tailed Tit
 Taking Off
We went all the way round the O reservoir and eventually found a small flock of Goldcrests. And while we were watching them a Siskin was heard flying over.
Mute Swans
We hurried back to D Reservoir, and this was where hundreds of wildfowl could be seen. There was one Shelduck, loads of a Tufted Ducks and Coots, plus a few Pochard, and at least 3 drake Goldeneyes and perhaps the females went into double-figures.  
Common Gulls
In the afternoon we tracked down the same small flock of Goldcrests, close to one of 3 flocks of Long-tailed Tits we encountered scattered around the southern site. The wind had changed direction, and D Reservoir was a more pleasant experience, and there was evidence that the large gull roost was beginning to gather...

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