Thursday, 18 October 2012

The Normanby Conquests

On Thursday we avoided the Humber which was supposed to be very windy and invaded the Normanby Hall Estate instead. The morning session had started before I arrived as the 'students' had located a Nuthatch coming down to peanuts near the ticket machine. Apparently, they all enjoyed good and close views - damn the Hull traffic! The trees were a nice mixture of autumnal colours, and there was plenty of fungi incl: Fly Agaric, Turkey tails and even a few obscene Stinkhorns! 

Alpha Male Red Deer Stag
 Kestrel (c) 2012 Richard Whateley

A couple of the group spotted a Jay at the feeding station, but the rest of us had to put up with Great Tits, Blue Tits, Robins and at least 2 Nuthatches. In the fenced off area we eventually came across some rutting Red deer, and some more discreet Fallow Deer. Birds seen incl: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Siskin, Goldcrests, Long-tailed Tits, a Redpoll and at long-last a Jay which flew right across the sky allowing everyone to get decent views. Although there has been an influx of Jays in other parts of the UK, there certainly wasn't any sign of significant numbers at Normanby. 
Long-tailed Tit (c) 2012 Richard Whateley
Fly Agaric (c) 2012 Richard Whateley

 Part of a Treecreeper! (c) 2012 Richard Whateley
On the return journey we saw more of the same, but just as we were finishing we heard another Goldcrest and then a Treecreeper stayed in a Cherry tree long enough for everyone to get a decent view. Finally, there were a whole family of Pied Wagtails in the stable block 
Pied Wagtail (c) 2012 Richard Whateley
 Nuthatch (c) 2012 Phil Todd
 Orange-Peel Fungus
 Shaggy Parasol (c) 2012 Richard Whateley
 Ink Cap Species
 Shaggy Parasols
 Red Deer Stag (c) 2012 Phil Todd
 Red Deer Hinds (c) 2012 Phil Todd
In the afternoon we followed the same route, but in the better light noticed a lot more species of fungi incl: Orange-peel fungus, Ear fungus, lots of fairy caps, some Boletes and an odd pink brain-like slime fungus.
Pink Fungus (c) 2012 Margaret Richardson

1 comment:

  1. Some nice images Michael, My favourites have to be the Red Deer Stags.
