Friday, 19 October 2012

Ringing at Filey

Today we were at Filey, which coincided with the Filey Brigg Ornithological Group's annual ringing week in the Country Park.  Before the session started I checked it was OK for us to watch, and Pete Dunn said we would be welcome to observe. 
 Filey's Temporary Ringing Station
 Pete Dunn explaining something to the am session, plus 2 extraneous members of the public!
Continental Jay
 When we arrived Coal Tits were already being processed.  Shortly afterwards 2 greenfinches were caught, so the wing feathers and tail feathers were spread to show how a bird may be sexed and aged.
 Weighing a Greenfinch
After the ringing the morning session shared cars to Filey Dams.  Some of the ringers where here too, to repair the Barn Owl Box.  To do that they had to catch the 2 Barn owls in residence, and these were also shown to the morning group.  one was noticeably darker than the other, so was probably the female.
Checking the Barn Owl Box - through the mist
 The probable male Barn Owl
 The probable female Barn Owl
 The probable female Barn Owl
Because of the disturbance on the reserve most of the birds had been flushed, but we did see the Avocet, some Wigeon and an immature Heron.  There was no sign of the Black-tailed Godwit. 
Immature Heron
The afternoon session saw BlueTits, a Tree Sparrow, and a Goldcrest being ringed.  
 Blue Tit - taking a peck
 Tree Sparrow
 Goldcrest - checking its fat reserves
 The Tally at 2pm
After the ringing we went down to the beach were we saw Oystercatchers, Turnstones, a Redshank, a few Cormorants and an immature Gannet continually diving into Filey Bay, and usually returning to the surface with a mouthful of food.  Meanwhile a Herring Gull wrestled with a crab which was still alive, and which was seen to give the gull a nasty nip.  
Herring Gull - eating a crab
 Juvenile Gannet - getting ready to dive 1
 Juvenile Gannet - getting ready to dive 2
 Juvenile Gannet - getting ready to dive 3
 Gannet - after the dive

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