Friday, 30 March 2012

Worried by Warblers?

Many aspiring birders have problems with Little Brown Jobs, as they call them, and they would include many species of warblers in this category. However, as the below pictures hopefully illustrate many of them are at lot more brightly coloured than such an epithet would imply.

Next term we will spend a considerable amount of time listening to these wonderful songsters, and examining their plumage as they occasionally sing out in the open for everyone to see. When they first return they will be busy establishing a territory, so should spend some time away from deep cover, but as the term progresses they will become progressively harder to track down. The venues have been specially selected, so that sightings of a warbler species one week will often be reinforced the following week. In this way I hope that participants will be able to identify all 9 species of warbler, both visually and aurally, by the conclusion of the term.

I haven't included a picture of a Blackcap here, but you can see one of them on the previous post. We are going to at least 2 venues where the Grasshopper Warbler is a possibility, but we are less likely to see one of these then almost any of the others. We may be very lucky to come across a Cetti's Warbler, but I haven't a decent photo of that species to show you. We probably have a zero % chance of seeing a Wood Warbler in our East Yorkshire trips, but we can dream, can't we?

Common Whitethroat
Lesser Whitethroat
Sedge Warbler
Reed Warbler
Willow Warbler
Garden Warbler
Grasshopper Warbler
Wood Warbler

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