I spent yesterday morning putting up posters advertising the April 17th start of my Spring courses, when I came across a large puddle - quite a rare thing this year!
Several Yellowhammers & Linnets were bathing at the time, but flew off when I pulled up. I just waited over the next hour for those birds to come back, plus a few other species. The puddle was on the chalky wolds, so was paler than most usual puddles, but I'm not sure if that's assisted the below photographs or not! I'll have to check it out at a less busy time of the day to see if anything else turns up. The Meadow Pipits never made it down to the puddle, as they were too interested in each other!
Meanwhile, there are still some spaces available on the Tuesday afternoon class after Easter.
Female Yellowhammer
Meadow Pipit - male displaying
Meadow Pipit [pair] - male [left]
Meadow Pipit [male]
Meadow pipit [male displaying]
Meadow Pipit [male]
Good set of photos there, Michael.