Monday, 1 June 2020

Social Distancing Around Bolton Abbey Woods

I heard Bolton Abbey Woods was being run on a ticket-only basis, and a one-way system, so thought I would give it a try.  I don't think I'd been in June before, but was pleasantly surprised with the results.  There were Grey wagtails, Sand Martin, Oystercatchers and Common Sandpipers as soon as we reached the river, but the best birds were all past the first stone bridge.  The first part of the walk was too short, so we went beyond the stone bridge where the best birds were.  First a Redstart, then several pairs of Pied Flycatchers, including one very confiding individual.  There were quite a few Nuthatches too, but they were quite difficult to capture with the lens.  Once the birds ran out it wasn't possible to U-turn, so we had a very long fruitless walk to the Cavendish Pavilion, and then a long walk back to the car.  The birds weren't as interesting on the opposite bank until we were almost within sight of the car again.  The highlight here were at least 3 Spotted Flycatchers, a Red Kite and an Oystercatcher in the river.  Overall, a very rewarding visit.  I just wish it wasn't such a long drive.  
Male Pied Flycatcher 
 Grey Wagtail
 Common Sandpiper
 Record shot of Oystercatcher
 Male Pied Flycatcher
 Female Pied Flycatcher
 Male Pied Flycatcher
 Female trying to deter a polygamous male
 Male pied Flycatcher - note the ring
 When the eye disappears in show, the photo fails
 Female Mandarin
 Female Goosander
 Red Kite
 Spotted Flycatcher
Record shot of same
 Small Coppers
 Small Copper
 Wall [Brown]
 Immature Rabbit

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