Monday, 8 June 2020

Favourite Passerine on the Wolds Way

This year I didn't think I was going to see my favourite summer visiting passerine.  Others reported a negative at Wharram Percy, and early this morning I failed to locate any at Millington Pastures. A few years ago there were three males holding territory there.  However, after one sandwich for lunch I walked along the Wolds Way, and out of the corner of my eye I spotted a bird land in a hawthorn bush, and I thought I just detected a faint shiver of the tail.  I moved to a slightly more advantageous vantage point, and there was a male Redstart.  Unfortunately, it was very overcast, but at least it could be seen clearly.  A few seconds later, I spotted the female, which had apparently lost her tail, but I didn't get close enough for any pictures.  It would probably be worthwhile to try again in better light.
 The first view
 It is very difficult to catch the gleam in the eye of birds with a dark face
 Eventually it came a little closer 
 Blooming twigs!
 Northern Marsh Orchid
 White Campion
 Ox-Eye Daisy
 en masse
Heart and Dart
 A Carpet Moth sp.

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