Monday, 4 November 2019

Bluethroat Bogey-Bird Sorted!

Yesterday, I was checking an area of Sunk Island where the day before I spotted a Merlin, only to find a Ringtail Hen Harrier in position.  We were able to watch it hunting for the best part of an hour. 
Hen Harrier being mobbed by a Crow
Hen Harrier
Meanwhile, back at home 
Shaggy Ink Caps
 Parasol sp.
Fairies' Bonnets

Today, I travelled to Spurn Point, as there has been a Bluethroat present for the best part of a week.  We walked to the breach, and waited near a set of weeds where it had last been sighted.  We waited for 30 mins or so, with no result.  Then the radio crackled into life - Steve Exley had spotted it slightly further north.  It was then spotted in a few places, because a pair of oblivious teenagers wouldn’t let it settle before causing it to fly off again.  Advice asking them not to continue to disturb the bird were studiously ignored.  We watched an area of buckthorn and grass for 15 mins, and were just about to adjourn for lunch when I spotted it heading further south again.  A few minutes later it zig-zagged right in front of a shaved-headed bloke, who didn’t actually see it, and then doubled back along the saltmarsh before disappearing into some bushes near one of the mist nets.   When we searched it was located perched in the open directly under a telegraph post, and stayed there for at least 10 mins.
Bluethroat in Flight (note supercilium)

A Thursday pm attendee found some fresh Giant Puffballs during half-term and served them up for breakfast.
Giant Puffball (c) 2019 Margaret Richardson
 Honey-Fungus (c) 2019 Margaret Richardson
 Puffball on a Plate (c) 2019 Margaret Richardson 
Meanwhile, a Wednesday afternoon attendee photographed Mute Swans and a Heron at Saltmarshe Delph. 
Mute Swan (c) 2019 Hugh Wood
 Immature Heron (c) 2019 Hugh Wood

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