Monday, 21 January 2019

Two Beauties on the Beach

A pair of Shore Larks have been frequenting an area of vegetated dunes north of Kilnsea since well before Christmas.  I tried looking for them then without success - we were told they'd move on to Kilnsea Wetlands.  However, subsequently they were still being seen on almost a daily basis I thought I'd wait for a bright afternoon before trying again.  Of course it clouded up on the journey, but I carried on anyway.  At first the area seemed completely devoid of birds apart from the passing of gulls in flight.  I persevered, and then I spotted a hump of sand which seemed to move, and a quick check through the binoculars highlighted the attractive yellow faces.  This is a species I've never seen at close quarters before, but these birds seemed to be quite confiding.  I was able to watch them for half an hour or so busy feeding.  They didn't spend a long time together and most of the time their heads were down feeding, but eventually I thought I had a few pictures that would pass muster.  It is possible to see from some of the photos that both birds had been ringed.  The story of their ringing has been featured on Spurn's twitter account.
Shore Lark
Shore Larks
 Just One again
 A pair, but apart
 Does Danger Threaten?
 Just checking
 Alone again, naturally
 Orange, Yellow & Green
 2, but that pesky marram grass!
 2, but...
 Possibly, the sharpest
 Among the detritus

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