Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Holderness Raptors

Male Hen Harrier
There are at least 3 Short-eared Owls in the Stone Creek area.  One seems to be a pretty confiding individual.  This afternoon it was perched on a bank in the sunshine, while a second bird was hunting on the other side of the ditch.  However, the first hunting bird was near Patrington Haven on Monday afternoon.
Short-eared Owl 
 Taking the plunge

 This bird was hunting while the other was still sunbathing on the bank

We drove on to Sunk Island when Ben spotted a male Hen Harrier crossing a field of Oilseed Rape.  We turned round and then worked out where it was likely to travel to next.  Unfortunately, there was a massive workman's lorry blocking the road.  We eventually negotiated the hazard, and were able to catch up with the bird.  It crossed the road, and then we had to try to past the work lorry again, which was now reversing and blocking the whole road.  After what seemed an eternity he reached the crossroads and we were able to squeeze past.  We managed to catch up with the bird again, and were closer than we'd been before, but the camera lens had been pushed in, so these photos weren't as effective as they should have been.  The male Hen Harrier was a truly graceful and elegant bird, so it was extremely poignant that this particular species is one of the most persecuted raptors in the UK, so such sights are become less and less likely.   Here's hoping that the unnecessary destruction of these beautiful birds ceases immediately!
Male Hen Harrier
 Red-legged Partridges

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