Friday, 3 August 2018

Mainly July Moths

Once the classes had finished and the weather was fine I was able to operate the moth trap throughout almost all of July.  We have had quite a wide variety of species.  However, unlike last year we haven't had a single Hawk Moth in the trap.  Moths are quite hard to identify, as some examples of species don't even look like each other, and certainly don't look like illustrations or photos.  I've identified as many as I can, but if anyone out there is able to correct one of my tentative IDs, or is able to identify one of the species I've labelled "Unidentified", please let me know.  I'm assuming all these are very common, but if any of them are quite unusual, please also pass on that knowledge.
Swallowtail Moth
Although the majority of these moths are from July, I first used the moth trap towards the end of June, so we begin with those.
24th of June
 Unidentified 1
 Red-Necked Footman
 Red-Necked Footman
 Riband Wave (Unbanded)
25th of June 
Heart and Dart
 Heart and Dart
 Small Magpie
 Riband Wave Moth [ID Jan Smith]
25th June 
Celypha lacunana
Phlyctaenia coronata
 Light Emerald
 Common Footman
 Marbled Coronet
 Beautiful Hook-tip
 Straw Dot
5th July 
Bright line Brown eye
 Burnished Brass
 Common Footman
6th July 
Spectacled Moth
7th July 
Brown-tail Moth
 Heart and Dart
 Large Yellow Underwing
 8th July
 Brytropha politella?
 Common Rustic
 Dark Arches
 Common Emerald
 Grey Dagger or Dark Dagger
 Caddis Fly [ID B.Warrington]
 9th July
Bird Cherry Ermine
 Buff Ermine
Waniscot sp. 
 Carcina quercana
 Riband Wave [ID by Jan Smith]
Worn Riband Wave [ID by Jan Smith]
 Large Fruit Tree Tortrix
 Large Twin Spot Carpet
 Marbled Orchard Tortrix
 Mottled Beauty
 Riband Plain Wave [ID by Jan Smith]
 Riband Wave (unbanded)
 Riband Wave (Banded)
 Caddis Fly [ID B.Warrington]
 The Uncertain
 10 July
Acleris forsskaleana
 Clay [ID B.Warrington]
 Celypha Striana
 Marbled Beauty
 Riband Wave
 Cabbage Moth
 Mottled or Willow Beauty?
 Mottled or Willow Beauty
 Unidentified 8
12th July 
Celypha striana
 Riband Wave
 August Thorn
 Argyresthia brockeella
 Bird Cherry Ermine
 Buff Footman
 18th July
Marbled Minor Agg [ID by Jan Smith]
 Riband Wave
 Least Carpet
 Endotricha flammealis
 Large Fruit Tree Tortrix
 Knot Grass [ID by Jan Smith]
 Small Magpie
 Endotricha flammealis [ID B.Warrington]
 Unidentified 11
 Unidentified 12
possibly Small Clouded Brindle
19 July
 Away from the moth trap, a Hummingbird HawkMoth flew around the buddliea for a few seconds 
 Endotricha flammealis [ID B.Warrington]
 Common Wainscot
 20 July
Unidentified 15
 Riband Wave
 Unidentified 16
21 July 
August Thorn
 Common Rustic
 Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing [ID B. Warrington]
 The Clay?
 Unidentified 16
 Unidentified 17
 Endotricha flammealis [ID B.Warrington]
 Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing [ID B.Warrington]
 24 July
Agapeta Hamana
 Carcina Quercana
25 July 
Angle Shades
 Marbled Beauty
 Cinnabar Moth caterpillars at Kilnsea Wetlands

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