Monday, 19 February 2018

A Colourful Half-Term

While I was busy catching up on admin, and making final preparations for the new term, at least 4 of my Friday students were out and about, and two of them were taking photos.  The Friday am contingent headed north and not too far from Scarborough they found some obliging Crossbills.  They were coming down for seed and water and gave some very good views.  Also seen on the same trip was a Red-legged Partridge, some Fieldfare and a Rook.
Male Crossbill (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
 Female Crossbill (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
Red-legged Partridge (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
 Rook (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
 Fieldfare (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
Please be aware it may not be possible to emulate Jane's sightings  at the present time, as the Raptor car park is now closed until the end of February, because some of the surrounding timber is being harvested, and the car park is closed at least until the end of the month.
Sign (c) 2018 Nick Addey
 Former car park (c) 2018 Nick Addey
Meanwhile, the afternoon contingent headed south to RSPB Old Moor.  There was a lot of activity around the feeders, and a very colourful Shoveler on the water.  In all the Ossett couple logged 45 species.  Nearer home they were delighted to spot a Water Rail, but a less welcome visitor was a Mink
 Yellowhammer (c) 2018 Mike Woods
 Goldfinch (c) 2018 Mike Woods
 Shoveler (c) 2018 Mike Woods
Nearer to home was this Water Rail.
 Water Rail (c) 2018 Mike Woods
 Stock Dove (c) 2018 Mike Woods
 Reed Bunting (c) 2018 Mike Woods
 This Mink was not at Old Moor, but near the River Calder at Ossett. 
Mink (c) 2018 Mike Woods


  1. Some lovely photos by Jane Robinson - thank you 👍🏽

  2. Some lovely photos by Jane Robinson - thank you 👍🏽
