Tuesday, 19 September 2017

A Change of Scene

A  visit to Fountains Abbey on a day off to admire the ruins.  There were plenty of Nuthatches, and Jackdaws, and I could hear a Grey Wagtail, but the wildlife camera was left at home...
 The Cellarium
 Taken from an outside window
 Exterior of cellarium
 Galilee Porch and Tower [behind]
 Front of Church
 Huby's Tower from inside the church
 Huby's Tower from top of Dormitory steps
 Huby's Tower from East

 Marmaduke Huby's Emblem
 Three Doors leading into Chapter House
 Chapel of Nine Altars

 Guest Houses
 Muniment Room
 Vaulted Passage
 Millstone - only 300 years old
 Ring used as a seal
 Fountains Abbey Tile
 Adjacent Private House
 Fountains Hall
 Extravagant Wooden Carving over Fireplace - Fountains Hall
 Late-Elizabethan Chest

1 comment:

  1. Belated birthday greetings Michael.

    Looked a great day visiting Fountains Abbey!
