Sunday, 2 July 2017

Week 9 - Round Up of a Week in Poor Weather

On Tuesday it wasn't nice enough to go to Barlow Common, so we relocated to Blacktoft Sands instead.  We had a good haul of species including a Cetti's Warbler in a dead bush near the Reception Hide.  When we arrived at Xerox there were so many bright waders right in front of the hide I had to rescue my camera from the car - drizzle or no drizzle.  Other things seen included:  Spotted Redshank & Black- tailed Godwit, plus Marsh Harrier, Sparrowhawk, GC & Little Grebes, Little Egret, Avocet, Teal, Shelduck, Shoveler, Gadwall, distant Bearded Tit, Sedge & Reed Warblers, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Reed Bunting, Kestrel, Swallow, lots of Herons etc

 Spotted Redshank
Male Marsh Harrier
 Female Marsh Harrier
Black-tailed Godwit
 Immature Heron
 Great Black backed Gull, Heron & Gadwall
 Clouded Border Moth
The weather was even worse on Wednesday.  Constant drizzle for the whole of the morning, and afternoon.  Despite this there's always a lot to see at North Cave Wetlands.  We had to cancel our visit to beautiful Brockadale.   An early highlight was a Hobby which had at least 3 attempts to catch a Sand Martin without success.  We also saw 7 Black-tailed Godwits, Green Woodpecker, Avocet, LRP, Little Egret, Redshank, Lapwing, Swift, Swallow, House Martin, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Linnet, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Pochard, Shoveler, Shelduck, Gadwall etc
Little Grebe (c) 2017 Tony Robinson
 Little Egret (c) 2017 Tony Robinson
 Record Shot of Sand Martin (c) 2017 Tony Robinson
 Shoveler and Ducklings (c) 2017 Tony Robinson
On Thursday the weather was supposed to improve, but we had constant drizzle almost all morning, and the thick grass we had to struggle through was absolutely saturated.  At Kilnsea & Kilns Wetlands we saw the brightest (colour-ringed) Black-tailed Godwits I've ever seen. Plus: Whimbrel, Little Tern, Sandwich Tern, Grey Plover, Dunlin, Bar-tailed Godwit, Sedge Warbler, Wigeon, Avocet, Ringed Plover etc.
Black-tailed Godwit
 Black-tailed Godwit (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 Whimbrel (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 Bar-tailed Godwits & other waders 
 Single Dunlin
 Mainly Dunlin
 Little Terns
 Sandwich Terns
 Sandwich Terns (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 House Sparrow (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 House Sparrow Head Portrait (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 Great Black Backed Gulls [& Lesser left] (c) 2017 Dick Watson
When we arrived at Flamborough to be enveloped in thick mist I feared the worse, but it cleared somewhat permitting sightings of all the usual suspects.  The following photographs speak for themselves. 
 Puffin (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Puffins (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Razorbill (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Razorbills (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Guillemot with chick (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Raft of Auks (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Fulmar (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Fulmars (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Meadow Pipit
 Meadow Pipit (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Female Peregrine
 Launching Peregrine (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Peregrine Taking off (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Peregrine (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Immature Rock Pipit
 Record Shot of Rock Pipit (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Skylark (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Rock Dove
 Gannet (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Immature Kittiwakes (c) 2017 Mike Woods
 Swallow (c) 2017 Mike Woods
Meanwhile, back at home in the garden... 