These beauties are almost guaranteed this Autumn
Male Bearded Tit
Bookings have now opened for the 10-week Autumn term, which begins at the end of September. At the time of writing there are a couple of vacancies on Wednesday afternoons, Friday afternoons, and Thursday afternoons. There are fewer vacancies in the mornings. If you are interested in another session, please ask. For at least 2 hours a week encounter the natural world as a completely new sensual experience. You'll be amazed what you'll find just by listening, and not only by looking! In the Autumn we'll be looking for special migrants including: Redstarts, Whinchats, Wryneck, Spotted Redshank, Jack Snipe and Hen Harriers. Autumn is also the best time of year to enjoy really good views of Bearded tits, so we'll be going to see them. So, if you are interested in learning more about your local wildlife in beautiful and secluded venues for less than £10 a week, then this is the course for you! We visit a different local hotspot each week and identify all the birds and as much other wildlife as we can. This includes mammals, and fungi with in the early weeks butterflies, dragonflies and wild flowers. The course runs twice daily Tuesday to Friday. If you are interested in more details of the course, or wish to be placed on a waiting list, please leave a comment next to one of my posts or email me on the address at the top of these site.
Please find below a series of photographs taken during the last 2 years of the classes, and the vast majority of these from the Autumn.
Kingfisher (female)
Wonderful post, excited to see all of these beautiful creatures rushing about, particularly the male bearded tit!