The Autumn course is officially launched today. I've just sent the full itineraries to the 73 people who have booked. 5 other people have expressed an interest, but I'm still awaiting their remittances. There are still a few vacancies on Friday afternoons, Wednesday afternoons, and Friday mornings. Autumn can be one of the most exciting terms for sheer number of birds species seen, and East Yorkshire is ideally placed with perfect coastal locations for drift migrants and the Humber estuary for wading birds and charming Bearded Tits.
Birds we are hoping to see include: Great Grey and Red-backed Shrikes, Short-eared & Long-eared Owls, Hen Harriers, Pied Flycatcher, Whinchat, Wheatear, Redstart, Yellow Wagtail etc, etc!
The variety of birds we may expect at Spurn may perhaps be best appreciated by this blogpost from 2008, and this doesn't even include any of the ducks or waders we saw! here
Here's some images of the birds we may expect to see and some of the pictorial highlights from last Autumn
Autumn male Redstart
Pair of Bearded Tits
Black-tailed Godwit
Cetti's Warbler [left] & Bearded Tit [together!]
Ring Ouzel
Rough-legged Buzzard
Snow Bunting - Roadrunner 1
Water Rail - Roadrunner 2
Water Vole
Kingfisher - perennial favourite
Starling Murmuration
Beautiful murmuration shot and the one of the Bearded Reedlings is pretty darned tasty too.