Thursday, 23 April 2015

Spring Migrants are Arriving a Little Late

On Wednesday we met at North Cave Wetlands & shared cars to our once premier woodland location.  On the journey one car enjoyed a fairly good view of a Jay.  It was overcast at first and rather cool, so was fairly quiet.  However, there had been an large influx of Willow Warblers since my last visit.  We had good views of these, and Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps.  Tony spotted a Buzzard being harassed by a crow and eventually 2 were seen, soaring over the trees.
Local church surrounded by Blackthorn blossom
 Willow Warbler
 Buzzard (c) 2015 Aileen Urquhart
Then we came across a pair of Treecreepers,  which although they were a little skittish we did see fairly well. The sun came out and everything changed.  Two Green Woodpeckers laughed, one hoarsely and then we had fairly good views.  A Jay flew away from us, and the. A Willow Tit was heard singing.  We heard a whitethroat, but it was too far away for us to see.  In the afternoon we relocated the Willow Tit, but also found some Marsh Tits. 
Willow Tit (c) 2015 Aileen Urquhart
 Wing of Female Great Spotted Woodpecker
 Our first Speckled Wood of the year
 Tiger Beetle
 Tiger Beetle
Just as we were leaving a Garden Warbler sang out, and we enjoyed some quick views before it headed off east.  The afternoon was much warmer, and we even saw several early Tiger Beetles.

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