Sunday, 21 September 2014

Autumn Term, Week 1: Retrospective

Last week saw the first classes of the Autumn term.  There were some light easterlies, which resulted in very dank conditions on the coast.  On Tuesday we went to Kilnsea and walked the triangle.  It was very dark, and no photographs were sent on to me, but we did have glimpses of a Red-breasted Flycatcher, a Wryneck, plenty of Whinchats, a Redstart and some Wheatears.  There were several Little Egrets on the saltmarsh and a Redshank without a foot.

Wryneck (c) 2014 Tony Robinson
 An old photo of a Whinchat
 Old Photo of a Whimbrel
On Wednesday we went to the west end of Paull Holme Strays.  We had the most prolonged views of a Whimbrel on both session, and views of a Harbour Porpoise.  the differences between Black-tailed and Bar-tailed godwits were pointed out, and 5 immature Gannets were seen travelling up the Humber.  Siome of the morning crew went on to Spurn, and connected with the Wryneck, which looked very wet in the long grass. 
Harbour Porpoise (c) 2014 Tony Robinson
 Harbnour Porpoise (c) 2014 Aileen Urquhart
 Black-tailed Godwits (c) 2014 Tony Robinson

 Bar-tailed Godwit (c) 2014 Tony Robinson
On Friday we went to Spurn again.  the visibility wasn't so good, and we couldn't find a Wryneck, but we did have decent views of our first Red-breasted Flycatcher followed by two other species of Flycatcher, some very confiding Siskins, redstarts and Wheatears on the beach, the injured Redshank again, and a pneumatic Jack Snipe from Canal Scrape hide.  When we left Canal Scrape we saw one of the many Grey Wagtails in the area that day, and a field absolutely stiffed with immature Meadow Pipits.   
Record Shot of Red-breasted Flycatcher
 Spotted Flycatcher
 Pied Flycatcher
 Jack Snipe
 Grey Wagtail
 Meadow Pipit

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