Thursday, 8 May 2014

Making Petty Whin's Acquaintance

Yesterday we had our first 2014 visit to MSQ.  We had a very good day with over 40 species seen, although the highlights from last year: Otter and Hobby were not seen by the group.  One individual believes he did see a Hobby, but it disappeared before anyone else could check it out.  There had been a big influx of Swifts, and after lunch these were joined by House Martins.  Sand Martins were present all day, but there weren't that many Swallows.
Car Park Buzzard
 Bog Bean
 1st view of a Reed Warbler
There was a Garden Warbler in the car park at the beginning, and possibly a Willow Tit, and a Buzzard posed nicely on a post.  Other birds seen or heard included: Blackcap, Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, a single Sedge Warbler, Avocet, Oystercatcher, a Jay, Shelduck, Gadwall, and the usual suspects.  There was also a very fine floral display, and the Common Lizard was a nice surprise. 
Meadow Saxifrage
 Micro-Moth - wings open
  Micro-Moth - wings closed
 Willow Warbler (c) 2014 Tony Robinson
 Reed Bunting (c) 2014 Tony Robinson
 Common Lizard
John's sighting of the Cuckoo perched in the open long enough for everyone to gain good views must have been one of the most popular features of the morning.  Meanwhile the awwww factor was achieved by the female pheasant guarding her 9 or so chicks.  The afternoon group learned all they could possibly want to know, and perhaps more than is strictly necessary about Petty Whin! 
Record Shot of Cuckoo (c) 2014 Tony Robinson
 Pheasant & Chicks
 Pheasant Chicks
 Reed Warbler

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