Friday, 17 January 2014

Birding with Flowers is 10 Years Old!

We arrived much earlier than the planned time, and straight away there was a Mistle Thrush singing in the parkland, and a Great spotted Woodpecker flew in. Not long after that I was ambushed by a presentation. The Thurs am group had worked out somehow that it was the 10th anniversary of the classes starting. They brought champagne and some amazing bird cup cakes. Thanks to everyone for such a nice surprise!
Once we'd all over-indulged we headed through Sewerby Hall grounds. Something made me look back and I was amazed to see a Peregrine Falcon just drifting towards us without any wing flapping. It flew over us & then headed towards the gulls flying around the cliff edge.  My camera was on the wrong setting - it was too sunny & bright to take a picture!

The Thurs am group before getting sozzled.  Someone is eying up the cakes (c) 2014 Phil Todd
 The drink and 'standard' cake (c) 2014 Phil Todd
 The Song Thrush & Friday Unmentionable among the cakes (c) 2014 Phil Todd
 The Song Thrush & Mallard - after a bumpy car journey
 Oystercatcher (c) 2014 Phil Todd
 Sanderling (c) 2014 Phil Todd

We went down the steps on to the beach where it was low tide. There was a lot going on on the beach. We could hear the Oystercatchers before we even reached the cliffs, and there were plenty of those. Also there were Sanderlings, Turnstones, a few Redshank, and a single Knot. Also on the beach were Black-headed, Common & Herring Gulls. After half an hour in gorgeous weather we headed back. Just before we climbed the steps Phil G spotted a Rock Pipit among the decaying seaweed. It was later joined by a couple of Pied Wagtails.

 Walking Heap of Seaweed!
 Rock Pipit
 Rock Pipit
We then went for a walk in the grounds, and the best bird here was a male Goldcrest which gave stunning confiding views. In the afternoon the tide was coming in quickly, but Ken spotted the Rock Pipit, which again gave good views. Unfortunately the Goldcrest had moved on, and a bigger bird roamed the coast top instead! It was a gorgeous day on the beach for January. I've been at Spurn in July and been much colder than it was today! 
 A very large bird
 Birds above Flamborough Head
Here's to the next 10 years!

1 comment:

  1. Richard Whateley18 January 2014 at 09:46

    Good to see you back and on form, hope to see you soon.
