Thursday, 28 November 2013

Mexican Waves

On Wednesday we tried looking for the Snow Buntings, but unfortunately we failed to locate any. The tide was coming in, but at first we couldn't find many waders, but there were plenty of ducks in the tidal zone, Friday Unmentionables, and Wigeon with just a single Teal. 
Just a few minutes later thousands of Golden Plovers could be seen swirling around behind the lighthouses. We carried on and were able to add Grey Plover, Lapwing, Dunlin, Redshank, Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-tailed Godwit, Shelduck and some Turnstones. We carried as far as the land lasted, and had better views of the waders, but few new species, although some one did spot a hunkered down Ringed Plover. A Little Egret flying in the distance was a new bird for the group, that day. We had a good look for Snow Buntings on the return journey, but a Redwing was the only new bird seen.

Golden Plovers
 Wigeon (c) 2013 Tony Robinson
 Carrion Crow
In the afternoon we shared cars to the reserve car park, and walked from there the exhausting walk to the distant hide. On the way we soon came across a Sweetcorn-stealing Carrion Crow, and a Reed Bunting. The light was quite tricky, but one of the highlights were a pair of Carrion Crows in several mid-air duels with a large Falcon. This combat was seen on at least 3 occasions, and when the fight was over the Peregrine just glided out of sight beyond the floodbank. We saw a couple of Little Egrets as we neared the hide, and some Wigeons at the end of a small creek. From the hide we didn't really see anything we hadn't seen on the way, but our rest couldn't last long, as we were soon turfed out by a large group of brightly-coloured waders, none of whom carried appropriate optics.
The return journey took place over a more shorter period, and very few new sightings were added to our haul of species. 
Roe Deer
 Golden Plovers
 Golden Plovers
 Golden Plovers
 Golden Plovers
 Golden Plovers
 Peregrine & Crows
 The Tower
 The walkers - One more hill to climb
All Remaining pics (c) 2013 Tony Robinson 
Little Egret
 Short-eared Owl
Meanwhile several of the am crowd went on to Stone Creek, where they saw many Curlew, Little Egrets, a Kingfisher, and a Short-eared Owl.

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