Thursday, 22 November 2012

Lips are Sealed

On Tuesday we made our annual pilgrimage to Donna Nook.  It was a very overcast day and the forecast was dire, so we arrived to find relatively few people there.  The fencing had been completely renewed, so we were distanced from the seals somewhat.  Despite this some people who had never been before were amazed at just how close they were able to get to the pups.

Grey Seal Pup
 A Different Pup
 Mother Love - a Cow and her Pup
 Having Fun?
 War - Bull & Cow
 Another Confrontation
 Cow & Pup (c) 2012 Phil Todd
 Exhausted Pup (c) 2012 Phil Todd
 Physical Contact (c) 2012 Maggie Bruce

Apparently, we just missed 25 Snow Buntings which flew off west, but there were some other birds were present.  These included Turnstones, Knot, Redshank, Golden Plover, Shelduck, Great Black-backed Gulls, Brent Geese and Chaffinches.
Turnstones (c) 2012 Phil Todd


  1. Some nice pictures there. I've never been to Donna Nook before and I did not realize you could get so close. One day I'll get there.

  2. Yeah, you get very close. However, many large bulls are found on the shore & these aren't accessible
