Saturday, 10 September 2011

Admiring an Acrobat

Both the am & pm participants saw a bird they've not encountered in 7 years of classes - a very energetic Black Tern. It seemed to be in virtually permanent motion as it snatched insects from the surface of the water. You can see the difference good light and a larger lens can accomplish by comparing the wonderful pictures taken by Martin Standley on Thursday, with my poor attempts on Friday am. This was the bird of the day by a considerable margin, but other birds seen included: Yellow Wagtails, Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Wigeon, Shelduck (juvs), Common Tern, Lapwing, Shoveler, Gadwall, Snipe, Teal etc.

The best mammal seen was a very confiding Water Vole, which showed for the afternoon session. I can't upload Vince's great pictures of this charming mammal at the moment, but will add them later, if I can work out how to do it. There were also plenty of Rabbits

Insects observed include: Migrant Hawkers, Common Darters, Small Tortoieshells, Red Admirals, and both Small & Green-veined Whites.

You can see more excellent pictures of Martin Standley's Black Tern here

Black Tern (c) 2011 Martin Standley
Black Tern (c) 2011 Martin Standley
Black Tern (c) 2011 Martin Standley
Black Tern - the best I could manage!
Black Tern - 2nd best!
Common Tern
Common Darter
Water Lily
Purple Loosestrife

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