Friday, 5 August 2011

New Site Explored

Willow Warbler [juvenile]
Six-Belted Clearwing Moth [male]
Lime Hawk-Moth Caterpillar
Immature Moulting Long-tailed Tit
Moulting Goldcrest
Gatekeeper [male]
Darter [male]
Red Admiral
Peacock on Teasel
Clouded Border
Lesser-Marsh Grasshopper
Soldier Beetle (c) 2011 Ben Coneyworth
There was a Yorkshire Wildlife Trust event the other day at a Nature reserve within the northern area of the City of Hull's boundary. It's a place I've heard of, but one which I've never encountered before. We were looking for butterflies and dragonflies, but I did see a pair of Bullfinches and heard a family of Sparrowhawks being fed. We saw plenty of Small, Large, and a couple of Green-Veined Whites, plus a couple of Hawker dragonflies and one Darter. The heat was intense, which pout a bit of a dampener on the afternoon, but the site has great potential for future class visits. A Barn Owl uses the site, plus there is a family of Fox cubs, and Roe Deer are often encountered. The scrubby areas must be absolutely alive with Warblers in the spring, and it seems likely that it will be a good place to watch them singing from the scattered areas of scrub in the Spring. Definitely a place worth revisiting after Easter next year.

Many of the birds ion the garden are looking the worse for wear, with the Goldcrest and Long-tailed Tits beginning to moult. Meanwhile the immaculate juvenile Willow Warbler has moulted and is ready to feed up before its long migration to South Africa begins. The Lime Hawk Moth caterpillar just avoided being run over & it was placed back in the tree for safety, but it was probably looking for a spot away from the tree to pupate. Finally, my thanks must go to Barry Warrington who managed to show me a Six-Belted Clearwing Moth. There was only one record in the whole of Yorkshire last year, so to be able to get close views of this wasp mimic was a real privilege!

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