Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Puffin Walk

Robert Fuller's Summer Exhibition has just begun, and running alongside this are a number of wildlife events including yesterday's Puffin Walk.

The session began with excellent views of a confiding Skylark, but then we spotted several Puffins flying in and out of recesses on the cliff face, followed by a raft of 7 Puffins on the sea. There are certainly many more Puffins to see now than there were a few weeks ago. A walk along the cliff top brought great views of a couple of Meadow Pipits, and these were obviously smaller and darker than the Skylark we had seen earlier. There were plenty of Guillemots and Razorbills on the ledges, and the Fulmars, which were missing a few weeks ago have also returned to their nest sites. The skies were also swarming with birds, and the participants learned how to differentiate Fulmars ('flying milk bottles') from Kittiwakes (wing tips dipped in black ink) & Herring Gulls. There were a few pigeons, which almost had the features of pure Rock Doves, and there were plenty of Jackdaws, but only one lucky person was able to observe the Rock Pipit before it disappeared from view. We also saw a species of raptor which was a lifer for everyone who attended. Overall, it was a very enjoyable afternoon for all those who took part, and now they should all be able to tell their Guillemots from their Razorbills - fingers-crossed!




Meadow Pipit

Meadow Pipit




Herring Gull


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