Saturday, 25 June 2011

Feasting with Panthers...& Tigers

Record Shot of Osprey


The bird of the morning was undoubtedly the Osprey, which flew over the group a couple of times before settling on a post in the middle of the heathland. This is only the 2nd ever recorded in the 7 years of the courses, and is the first for the Friday am group. The Osprey couldn't be relocated in the afternoon, but the session was enlivened by a Hobby, which gave several sorties over the lake attempting to snatch dragonflies. A very insoucient Tiger beetle was obseverved in the afternoon. She was busy being rogered by a male, but she was calmy chewing an insect while this indignity was being performed on her. The Red-Necked Grebe has started to moult, so its colours were not as vibrant as when the Thurs crowds visited a few weeks ago. There were fewer singing birds than on previous visits, although a Coal Tit was new, but there were certainly a lot more flowering plants on the northern side of the car park. One of which is going to have to wait for identification after tonight's Owl Safari.

Tiger Beetle

Record Shot of Hobby


Record shot of Hobby from yesterday

Red-Necked Grebe
Record shot of Sparrowhawk

Large Skipper

Speckled Wood

4-Spotted Chaser

A Darter


Tawny Gristette

Cotton-Grass [below]

Unidentified Plant

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