Yesterday's trip was changed because of the heavy showers that were forecast, so we visited a reserve with plenty of hides instead. The am session saw a Grass Snake, whilst the pm group saw a total of 3 different Grass Snakes in various locations. Both classes were able to identify a wide selection of wildfowl in every imaginable stage of 'eclipse' moult plumages, and everyone enjoyed amazing close views of Reed Warblers as they collected insects for their hungry brood. Overall both sessions saw c.40 species. The morning group found a baby Treecreeper being fed by its parents, and those who stayed behind saw a Kingfisher back on last year's reliable site. Meanwhile, the afternoon session after a long vigil eventually saw a Spotted Flycatcher, despite the am group staring for ages at the same site, and only spotting a Robin! The bin men handed in a moribund Swift & some people from both sessions were able to examine it in the hands of the reserve warden. It is shown here with its eyes closed, but was still alive when photographed, and it was planned to try it with some mealworms.
stunning pictures, someone brought in an injured swift today at the wetlands center. Was the most beautiful bird ever