Wednesday, 4 May 2011

New Term, New Venue

Tree Pipit - a lifer for some ditto
Red-necked Grebe - a lifer for even more ditto

Garden Warbler (c) 2011 Tony Robinson


4-Spotted Chaser


Large Red Damselfly

[Digger?] Wasp sp

Tiger Beetle


Blow-Fly sp.Fleece Weevil!

Wednesday saw the longest-surviving group visiting a new location to us. It had been highly recommended to us by someone who knew the site intimately, but it didn't really live up to the hype. Despite this a Red-necked Grebe was a lifer for everyone on the pm course, and most of those attending the morning session; whilst a Tree Pipit was a new bird to a few in each class. The morning group saw 43 species, some of the highlights being: Greenshank, Buzzard, Shelduck, Yellowhammer, White(?) Wagtail, Garden Warbler (dozens), Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, and Whitethroat. While I was looking away the am group saw what looked like a giant Swift, which they are certain was a Hobby! There were certainly plenty of insects for a Hobby to eat - 4-Spotted Chasers, Large Red Damselflies & the first Blue Damselflies. There was an enormous number of copulating Tiger Beetles and some strange black wasps with red markings laying eggs in the peat! Overall a good day, but not the stunning one I had anticipated!

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