Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Early Morning Treats

Wood Warbler - the penny spinning on a slab of marble

Pied Flycatcher

Pied Flycatcher - Full throttle

Pied Flycatcher - in repose

Dipper - adult above & juvenile below

Mandarin [drake]

Mandarin [drake]

Mandarin [duck]

Kingfisher - in really strange light

Goosander [female]

Mallard [drake]

Baby Rabbits


John Sadler had the brainwave of setting off at 5am to visit the amazing summer visitors only to be found singing locally in North Yorkshire at this time of year. It wasn't his fault I woke up at 2.23am & I wasn't able to get back to sleep before setting off at 5am! The morning started quietly, but we did see a Common Sandpiper & plenty of Dippers. When the sun began to break through the more unusual songsters began to break cover & sing beautifully. The first star was an exquisite Wood Warbler followed by a Pied Flycatcher, but we had to work much harder for the Redstart. A timid Mandarin on the river was followed by a much bolder grass-striding-pair! There were also at least 2 female Goosanders on the river. Also seen or heard: Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Grey & Pied Wagtails, Great Spotted & Green Woodpeckers. I'm writing this post before the after effects of the early start begin to makes themselves felt! ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  1. Sounds like a good trip. I'd have come too if i'd known. Are you going to the BF meet up there?

  2. No, they are going even earlier in the morning! But its late May when the leaves are all out & the birdsong season will be petering out!

  3. We are going next week sometime while we are over that way.

  4. The main influx of dog walkers starts around 9.30, & you want to be at the Barden Tower end on the side with the long grassy area, the good stuff starts just after the aqueduct

  5. What does a penny spinning on marble sound like - it's not something I have come across before.

  6. I know, you're much more used to a £20 note blowing across a table!
