Sunday, 20 March 2011

Dragged through a Week Backwards

Red-breasted Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Little Grebe
Long-eared Owl
Reed Bunting
Red Deer [stag]
Nuthatch [below]
Record shot of Goldcrest
Reed Bunting [male]
Reed Bunting
Conservation in Action!
For the first time in 3 terms Friday sessions enjoyed the best weather of the week, and it could be argued the best birds. Everyone who turned up in the morning had 2 lifers, but most in the pm group had one lifer, but this wasn't the same bird. The lifers were the Long-eared Owl and he Red-breasted Merganser. The latter was a fine drake, and was much more striking than the scraggy female I saw with the Weds evening group about 7 years ago. The Marsh Harrier was seen briefly in the morning, as were a pair of Avocets, but there were nos sign of either of these in the afternoon. this is rather disappointing for this reserve, when Marsh Harriers are supposed to be guaranteed. The light was perfect, and also seen were Little Grebes, courting Great Crested Grebes, Wigeon, Black-tailed Godwits, Ruff, Dunlin, Lapwing, Curlew and a Kestrel.
Thursday was our best day at Normanby Hall this term with the highlights being a pair of Nuthatches and close views of the Red Deer stags.
On Wednesday we had to detour to North Cave Wetlands to avoid the worst of the fog. Over 40 species were seen, including our first Chiffchaff of the year, but nothing else of particular note. The full Great Crested Grebe courtship was witnessed by the pm group.
Tuesday saw us visiting Potteric Carr, and through the mist we saw the usual suspects, including a pair of Kingfishers nest building in the morning. We also spotted a pair of Avocet on Huxter Well Marsh.

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