Thursday, 24 February 2011

ELO, ELO, ELO, What's all this then? - an LEO

Just a Bundle of Feathers
Looking Up
Having a preen
Looking Left
Eyes Wide, Tufts Down
The Other Bird
Spotting the Lens
Look into my Eyes!
Eyes Wide Open & Tufts Fully Up
Long-tailed Tit
This morning I took my 10-year-old nephew to see the two Long-eared Owls at RSPB Blacktoft Sands. We were 1st on the scene & I was able to take a series of pictures for 10 minutes before someone arrived with a £5,000 camera & lens, so I beat a hasty retreat. Ben has seen Long-eared Owls before, but these were his best views, and the birds remained preening in the same trees, even though we didn't have an uninterrupted view - with plenty of Willow strands obscuring the view in places.
The ravages of winter have left their marks on this reserve, and numbers of wildfowl are still down on what is to be expected at this time of year. 2 Long-tailed Tits were busy looking for nesting material, but there weren't any other birds of interest during our morning stay. Later in the day Marsh Harriers & a possible male Hen Harrier were sighted.
Ben & I headed home, but stopped off at a venue normally good for large raptors, where we saw 3 Red Kites, and at least 6 Common Buzzards. A female Bullfinch was seen, and Marsh Tits were heard sneezing.


  1. Sounds like we did the opposite to you. With the Red Kites n Buzzards 1st and then on to Blacktoft for LEOs and Marsh Harriers. The Owls were not budging this afty and your pics are better than mine. I hope you weren't naughty and photographed them from the path, ignoring the sign.

  2. No, the pics were taken from the window upstairs. There was no notice when I was there, but we had hide to ourselves, until the arrival of the 1st of the big boys!
