Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Democracy Sucks!

Corn Bunting
Bullfinch (c) 2011 David Tasker
Siskin (c) 2011 David Tasker
Coot (c) 2011 David Tasker
Stock Dove (c) 2011 David Tasker
Both groups stopped off at South Ferriby Cement Works for the Rough-legged Buzzard, but it failed to show. However, we did see 2 male Marsh Harriers fighting over a female, and a Buzzard and a Kestrel, there were at least 7 Fallow Deer, but the stag wasn't spotted. There were plenty of Lapwings, Shelduck, Redshank, Canada and Greylag Geese. The morning session went on to Waters' Edge. We had a few flyover Redpolls at the end, and a few Siskin, but nothing like the number seen last week. Our first Great Spotted Woodpecker at this site this year flew over, but last week's singing Willow Tit was noticeable by its absence. One of the highlights was provided by, wait for it... some Coots - a group of 6 were almost fighting to the death. A Moorhen which tried to referee was forced to flee in the end. A Goldeneye has returned to the site, but there were no Pochard, and only a few Tufted Ducks. The after effects of the icy weather is still being felt at this site. The afternoon group voted to try for the Short-eared Owls, but 3 hours of waiting in an icy wind resulted in no owl sightings. The meagre highlights were 8 Corn Buntings which alighted briefly, and then a stonking male Stonechat, which saved the afternoon. This was a bird which suffered badly in the winter of 2009/10, and is the first seen by any of the groups in 2011, and was a 'lifer' for at least one class member!

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