Thursday, 30 December 2010

Wintering Waders

All photos in this post (c) 2010 John Sparham
Bar-tailed Godwit
Bar-tailed Godwit in flight - note only a faint wing-bar
Purple Sandpiper
Redshank [above]
Turnstone [below]
Turnstones in flight
Rock Pipit - not a wader, but around at the same site!
Now the blog is up and working again, it is possible to include some of the backlog of pictures taken when the blog was disabled. Today includes a selection of the varied waders found in Northumberland in November. Most of these birds can still be found on the Yorkshire coast around Filey and Flamborough at this time of year. The Rock Pipit isn't a wader of course, but frequents the same habitat as the wading birds.


  1. Love going up to bempton in the spring, the cliff are full of ganets nesting, its a wounderful sight

  2. Agreed, but if you want to see Puffins, Flamboro North Landing has better views & more of them!

  3. Cheers Michael i have just moved to the coast, Brid area i will certainly be taking more intrest in the new year, more time on my hands now.
    My next visit will the the RSPB at Bempton for more info

    Thanks Allan

  4. The RSPB aren't likely to give you much info about reserves belonging to other organizations like the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust though! Flamboro' Cliffs at N.Landing is a YWT reserve.

  5. not bad pics updated my blog again
