Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Twirling Moustachios

Bearded Tit
6 Beardies all in one Umbellifer
Spotted Redshank (left) with 2 bog Standard Redshank
Black-tailed Godwit
Yesterday was the final trip to RSPB Blacktoft this term, and it didn't disppoint. At Ousefleet hide there were many wildfowl, and plenty of waders - hundreds of Lapwing and a couple of Ruff, but it was the Bearded Tits which wowed the crowds. 6 gave us a wonderful display as they came within a few feet of the hide. I've only ever had distant views at this location before, so to see them this close was brilliant. The days was also a bit of a raptor-fest with several views of a female Merlin in the morning, plus a female juvenile Peregrine chasing a Lapwing, a few Kestrels, and a static Sparrowhawk. The Marsh Harriers were more showy in the afternoon - with a max of 5 seen. Waders identified included 6 Curlew Sandpipers, some fine Spotted Redshanks, a few Black-tailed Godwit, and a sprinkling of more Ruff. Apparently, a Greenshank had been on site earlier in the day, but we failed to track it down. 2 Water Rails were seen at Marshland in the morning with another at Townend in the afternoon. the wader passage is slowing down to a trickle so we were lucky to see as many was we did.

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