Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Retrospective 1

Little Egret (c) 2010 Aileen Urquhart
Nuthatch [Forge Valley] Marsh Tit [Forge Valley]
Falling Foss
The Blusher?
Tawny Grisette
Pipistrelle Bat
Pipistrelle Bat
Fly Agaric
Red Deer
House Martin
House Martin
Blackbird - desperation!
Common Ink Cap
It hasn't been possible to keep the blog upto-date during the last week, so here's a brief summary of events. On Friday morning the class 'enjoyed' a very windy morning at Flamborough Head, where the highlights were a Peregrine, a Hobby, and a Kestrel. The few members of the pm class who turned up went to Danes' Dyke instead. We didn't see a lot of birds, but quite a bit of fungi.

On Saturday I stopped off at Forge Valley, where I saw many species visiting the feeding station - the highlights being Nuthatch, and Marsh Tit, but I also made the long drive to the Little Beck area, and the Falling Foss waterfall. Although I heard Nuthatch & Treecreeper, and a Grey Wagtail at the waterfall, the best sightings were the abundant and varied fungi.

Sunday was quite wet on the RSPB Shearwater/Skua cruise, so I left my camera back in the car. There were several Red-throated Divers flying past and large movements of Common Scoter, but the highlights once the rain had stopped was a very close flying Sooty Shearwater and a Great Skua attacking an immature Great Black Backed Gull. Despite these excitements there were long periods were nothing much happened at all. I headed off to Sewerby Hall where large numbers of Swallows were feeding in the rain.

On Monday I saw the Kingfishers at Tophill Low again. A pair of birds showed, and the light was better than on our previous visit. The large group of people in the car park turned out to be the exterminators of the Ruddy Duck, and eventually some gunshots punctuated the tranquility. I went looking for Water Vole instead, which we failed to see, but under a hide flap I found a sleeping bat - probably a Pipistrelle.

We went on to Hornsea Mere, but didn't see anything particularly unusual.
On Tuesday classes resumed and we went to Normanby Hall. The deer rut hasn't begun yet, but we did see the Red Deer, some prancing Fallow Deer, and a few Jays. We also had Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Green & Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Wednesday was very quiet at Spurn in gentle Southerly winds. Morning highlights included Yellow Wagtails, a Stonechat (my first of the year), a Whinchat and a Wheatear. A Ring Ouzel was seen by Susan & Michael during the lunch hour at canal Scrape but I missed it by 2 minutes! The afternoon was even quieter with only a bathing Golden Plover relieving the monotony, but there were some House Martins still in their nests!

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